Park Cleanup and Beltane Group Write

04/10/2022 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Zoom will be available beginning around 6pm    Zoom Room

If you’ve never done a Park Cleanup – now’s the time to get involved.  It doesn’t take that long, the Park is beautiful, and you get to walk around talking with other Covenant folks.      We will gather at Landings Park at 3:30pm Please see this page for all the details:     Park Cleanup 

The Park Cleanup will be done before the evening activities begin.  You can plan to go out to eat or back home until returning to the Hall between 5:30-6:00.  The evening activities will begin at 6:00pm

If you’ve never done a “group write” (and it’s been awhile) this is a fun way to feel involved in the planning of a Sabbat ritual without volunteering to do it yourself.  Everyone suggests ideas and together we decide what sounds good and who will do what as part of the ritual (you don’t have to do anything during the ritual if you don’t want to. )  Jean will help facilitate the process.    BELTANE!  This group write is for the exciting Sabbat of Beltane.  It’s been two years since we planted the Maypole in the Sanctuary and danced around it.  So you can bet that this activity will be part of the ritual.  Help us plan the rest!!