Coming Topics:
March: Persephone Rising
April: Hera, Greek Queen of Heaven
May: Queen Maeve – tougher than you

What is the Dark Moon Group? It’s time for a different kind of gathering. Purple lights in the darkened Hall, sharing rituals with each other, Tarot cards, dark goddesses, rituals, spell work, flash paper. The mood is meant to be spiritual and magical, maybe thought provoking.

The Dark Moon is not the “New Moon”. Dark Moon is that moment during the month when no light can be reflected from the moon. The moon is also absent, not just dark, meaning it is also a moment when we are not subjected to the strong pulls of the moon. The day the tiny crescent returns to the sky, is what I consider the “New Moon”

It is a time to be quiet, to rest, to wrap your tools up and give them a break.
It’s a time to reflect, to plan and set intentions.
It is a time to consider the dark inside yourself and how there is value and challenge in that.
It is a time to confront fears. It may be a time for your personal shadow work.
It’s what feels right to you.

At it’s core, the Dark Moon group is a chance to find a different kind of thinking. Hekate, Persephone, Hel, Cerridwen, Cailleach, Ereshkigal – the Queens of the darker realms and mysteries are powerful, be they deities, crones, or myth and inspiration are considered. Gods such as Hades are also part of the energy of this time. Share your favorite, your interest, your relationship with us, if you would, please.

Bring your fear and bring your wisdom. Let’s learn together.

Contact Chel!

Just because you know the science, it doesn’t end the mystery, the magic and the romance. What the heck is a Dark Moon, astronomically speaking? It’s when the moon gets between the earth and the sun so that no visible light can shine on the side we see. All over the world, this is true whether you are looking for the moon from New Delhi or Fort Collins. It is interesting to note that as you go about your activities on the day of the Dark Moon, the moon is right there, in the daytime sky above you, pacing the sun as they travel. The sky that night will have no moon in it at all as it is chasing the sun through China. I like the idea that Luna, the Moon and her brother, Helios, the Sun spend the month traveling in their chariots apart but on the day and night of the Dark Moon, they are able to see each other again as they ride through skies together.