Tarot Cards Discussion

07/03/2022 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

 Tarot Cards With Chel  

This event takes place at River Hall 901 E Swallow.    Everyone is welcome!

It’s Independence Day weekend.  Why Tarot Cards?   These were  the vehicle that I intentionally chose to make my first real break from my childhood religion! 78 cards and a candle = freedom

Let’s talk about Tarot Cards – more of a discussion about the symbology (on a basic level) and some ways that you can get to know what the cards might mean and how you can learn more about it on your own.  I look forward to hearing what you know and what your favorite deck is and what you love about Tarot.  If you think it sounds awesome but you have been intimidated or you don’t really understand,  I want to know what you think is interesting and hear your questions.  You know more than you think as the cards can be intuitive, even to beginners.   When the cards have secrets to share, you will find the answer.

I am absolutely not any kind of an expert, either with using the cards or fully understanding their meanings.  But they are FASCINATING! (right?)  You can “learn” the Rider-Waite and then find that there are SO MANY other interpretations, so many styles, shapes, ideas, and symbols.   You can think about numerology.  You can think about Jungian Archetypes.    It’s fluid.  There are no hard rules to using Tarot Cards.  If we have time we might try to find our Court cards or do some quick 1-3 readings.

Bring your own favorite deck to share OR, leave that safely home and bring your weirdest deck.  If you don’t have a deck, you don’t need one.  I have some.  You know, one.. or two… or maybe too many, really.   78 cards…. a 22 card journey (Major Arcana), 16 Court Cards (very Jungian), and 40 little ideas (Minor Arcana)… we won’t begin to cover them all.   You’ll go home to your summer afternoons in the shade with something new to read about!

This is in no way an endorsement of Tarot.com, just a link to a variety of decks you can see:  Tarot.com Decks

I DO highly recommend Fools Dog Tarot phone apps.   Each deck is an app and they do cost a small amount, but are often much cheaper than a deck in your hand, and given the way the cards flip (like flash cards), have good information for each card, readings, and the ability to pick a random card or any card you want to find, it’s a great way to learn.  You can read about their decks on the website Fool’s Dog decks and get the decks from your phone’s app store.

The Hall opens at 5:30.  It will be casual but some kind of official start at 6pm.  NO Zoom.  If no one shows up by 6:30pm, I’ll probably head out unless you let me know you plan to arrive late. 

Some things to remember… please park on Swallow, not in the cul-de-sac… masks are required for all indoor and crowded outdoor spaces… BYOM (bring your own meal) if you want to eat at the Hall between 530 and 6pm… please read the Code Of Conduct before your first visit to Covenant of the River… gifts to support this community are always welcome and can come in many forms like firewood, mead, monies, time and lighters… monetary donations can be made in the donation basket in the Hall or through PayPal on our website.

Thank you so much!