YULE Sabbat

12/17/2023 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

The darkest days are upon us.  Yule lets us welcome back the sun and lighter times.  We have chosen to celebrate early rather than late.  Many different ideas are associated with Yule.  Our Potluck will be held after the ritual, so please bring something to share that can wait in the Hall for a hour or so.  Arrive around 5:30 and we will move into ritual space as people arrive and settle, probably around 6pm.  Ritual garb is encouraged but not required.  The circle will be cast and sacred space created as we share this Sabbat with each other.

The Yule log has always been a big part of the celebration throughout time and cultures.  Tonight we will bless the log with various herbs and spices as an offering.  We will share time together around the fire as the log burns and hear Yule stories that connect us as community.  In the Hall we will create orange/clove items to take home.  And people will sing. You can join in or just enjoy what you hear.

What a blessed way to celebrate the cycle of the earth that will begin returning the gift of the sun and increased light to us.  What a blessing to know that we have a strong community to get us through these dark and cold times.