Witches’ Jar Magical Craft

06/25/2023 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Join Chel this Sunday night for information about a kind of magic called Witches’ Jars or Witches’ bottles.  We will have many supplies on hand for you to make your own, if you want to.

No matter what your personal practice is or your beliefs, this is an idea you can modify to suit your needs.   Basically, this is a way to focus your intentions.  You could call it a wish jar, a prayer jar, a reminder jar or whatever you like depending on what you hope to accomplish.   Maybe it’s just a pretty thing to sit on your counter or a way to burn a candle.

Some people use them for protection of themselves or their property.  Some people bury them indefinitely, some for a lunar cycle or to honor a Sabbat or even to honor deities or ancestors.   Whether you keep it to look at, use it once, reactivate it periodically, or put it in the ground, or maybe even break it – if that’s what you find helpful –  this is a fun and potentially powerful craft that gives you a chance to focus on what is important to you and how you can represent that with certain botanicals, charms, and other items.

We will have all the supplies you need including jars and our selection of botanicals and things we gather.  But if you have things you’d like to use – coins, keys, herbs, flowers, stones, cat claws, hair, fur, feathers, fabric, buttons – whatever you can think of, please bring them!  Maybe you want to fetch some special water or earth from a special place – if so, please be careful and collect it legally.  If you have a jar or bottle you want to use, bring that, too.   I found this article to be interesting and most in line with what I (Chel) think about these items. Spell Jar Article

I have had cause in recent weeks to create some of these spells for myself.  One wish came true in a few days.  The other one is still powering up or else telling me to try a different wish!