Sanctuary Care Day

06/09/2024 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Join us in the morning for cooler weather!  We will be starting at 9am and we will break for lunch at 1:00.  Lunch items such as meat and meat substitutes will be provided, bring something to share if you can.  Tools, gloves, and sunscreen as well as water are available or bring your own of any of these.  This is that brief summer moment of regrouping from Festival before the Yard Sales begin.

The Sanctuary is truly a special place for rituals, Fireside, Sabbat celebrations and other special events.   But like the farmers of old, we have carved it out of the wildland of a former backyard and we must constantly attend to the weeds, bushes, and other vegetation that wants to retake it from us.  There is also indoor work available that requires less body intense work such as organizing, cleaning, and vacuuming so don’t think it’s all weeding out in the sun.   Sure, it’s work.  But we put ourselves and our energy into the space so that it can give back to us and we get to spend time with each other while we do it.

Join us for thirty minutes or stay the entire time.  Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated.