Sanctuary Care Day!

05/07/2023 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm

It’s time again for another awesome Sanctuary Care Day!  The weather is supposed to be super nice.  We got a lot done last month and we are hoping to really get caught up on all the cleaning and improvements  before the weather starts getting hot.  We have water and other beverages, tools, and all we really need is YOU!   You can stay for as little or as long as you are able.  Come when you can, you don’t have to arrive at 1:00.

We will meet at 1:00pm at River Hall (901 E  Swallow).  There are helpful things for all ages and abilities.  We will be caring for the Sanctuary – pulling weeds or unwanted plants, pruning and trimming, raking the gravel and other things to keep it beautiful, safe, and sacred!  Bring your own gloves and suncreen but we also have these items available if you need them.

We will also be working on the Hall, cleaning, organizing, etc.  You can sit and sort things or do yard work or whatever suits you.  The Hall and the Sanctuary are the very heart of Covenant of the River.  Come help make it the best it can be.

We will also be having a potluck dinner at the end of the work period.  Please bring a dish if you are able.   We are excited to share potluck time with community again!