Park Cleanup and Boon Pouches

02/12/2023 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Join us for one or both of the events today.

Park Cleanup of Landings Park   3:30pm

Landings Park is on Boardwalk.
We meet in the shelter house to begin at 3:30. 
 It’s a fun and easy walk picking up litter and talking and usually takes less than an hour.  More information on the park location.

Creating Boon Bags with Jean at the Hall at 5:30

Carry a little luck in your pocket to direct your prayers or as a hopeful reminder.

We will be sewing little pouches with tokens inside that  are sympathetic or helpful in bringing luck or change in a situation. The sewing is easy, and help will be available if you need it, of course. All supplies will be provided and if you have a special token or coin sized item  that aligns with your prayer or hope, please bring it.

Arrive around 5:30 at River Hall (901 E Swallow) for socializing and to eat if you want to bring your own food.  The evening will start at 6:00 with announcement, yahoos, and prayer requests.     THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN JOINING US (See Code of Conduct below)

Some things to remember… please park on Swallow, not in the cul-de-sac… masks are required for all indoor and crowded outdoor spaces.  Please read the Code Of Conduct before your first visit to Covenant of the River… gifts to support this community are always welcome and can come in many forms like firewood, mead, monies, time and lighters… monetary donations can be made in the donation basket in the Hall or through PayPal on our website.

Thank you so much!