Beltane Ritual (in zoom)

This Sunday Jordan and Jean will be conducting a ritual in Zoom, to honor the Sabbat of Beltane. The ritual is still in the planning stages and will include a variety of Beltane activities for you to participate in, simply, while at your computer.

The Zoom Room opens at 6:00pm, the evening’s activities begin at 6:30.

The link to the Zoom Room is:

Beltane with Jordan

This week,  Jordan is planning a special streaming video (on Facebook) on the 1st to celebrate Beltane. This could include natural areas and drumming, weather permitting. If anything needs to change, it will be announced, probably very close to the time of the presentation.  Watch Facebook for information. (This will not be the Beltane Sabbat celebration which will be on Sunday May 2)

Zoom Event Sacred Geometry

Join us tonight in Zoom for a presentation by Kat on Sacred Geometry. Sacred geometry is so much more then you might think of right off the bat. Seeded throughout human history and found circulating the globe it is an underlying facet of the universe and something we continue to discover. This ‘ted-talk’ themed presentation is an informative information dump that strives to ignite your curiosity, and leave you thinking about geometry in a whole new light.

The Zoom Room opens at 6:00pm, the evening’s activities begin at 6:30.

The link to the Zoom Room is:

Zoom Event – Meditation

Join us tonight in Zoom for a meditation led by Jordan.

The Zoom Room opens at 6:00pm, the evening’s activities begin at 6:30.

The link to the Zoom Room is:

Council Meeting

Each month the Council, (Jean, Jordan and Chel), get together to schedule Covenant of the River events, write rituals, outline presentations and discuss general community business. 

This is when we find out all the exciting new ideas that folks in the community have for us about things to do and rituals they want to share!  This community is not Council driven.  We are here to facilitate the things others in the community have ideas about, want to do, or want to help with.  You don’t have to volunteer to lead your idea, just share your idea.   SO – Email council before 7pm tonight so we can see what you have!  If you missed it, we will be doing this again next month so go ahead and send it and we will save it for then.

This is not an open meeting.  The Zoom room will not be open.  Please contact us during Office Hours  if you need to speak with one of us.  

Zoom Event – Dark Moon

On the night of the Dark Moon, join us in Zoom for Chel’s presentation on fear. Not so much the fears that come at you from outside, but the fears you have on the inside that hold you back. It’s dark and it’s a great time to start a journey in yourself. Find out how to make a jar or pocket bag of energy to remind you that you are more than your fears. The room opens at 6pm, activities begin at 6:30pm Link to our Zoom:

The link to the Zoom Room is: