Midsummer Ritual and Potluck Feast

06/18/2023 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Midsummer is here! The longest days surround us and with the turning of the Wheel, we find ourselves embracing the transition to Summer. We raise our horns in praise and petition, sharing of ourselves and of our gifts to bolster community. May the gods and good spirits join in our celebrations and guide our explorations.

*Gather at 12 for socializing and centering. Family friendly and open to all, join us at any point.

*Ritual will start around 1230- please bring a chalice, horn, mug etc to use during ritual. Ritual garb encouraged but never required.

*Potluck Feast will be after ritual, around 115ish- please bring a beverage and/or dish to share, as you are able.

We look forward to celebrating with you!