Gardening for the Soul

03/27/2022 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

  Garden anywhere plants will grow!

It’s almost time to plant!  It’s just over 6 weeks until the official Zone 4 day to plant (May 11-ish).   By Sunday it will be okay to start seeds indoors!  It’s time for every winter gardener’s pasttime -deciding what you want to plant!   There so much to think about.    Come to tonight’s discussion by Chel on planning and creating a garden that really suits you in the space you have available.  You don’t even need a yard or balcony.  A pot on your front porch or all indoors.  My kid has an indoor garden in their south window.

Gardening is when you feel the power of the earth with your hands, the hope of the seed you drop in and all the things that come next.  It’s an exercise in finding just the right way to use earth, air, fire, and water to feed your soul.   I hear doubt.  Brown thumbs and plant killers WELCOME!  I bet we can spruce up your magic.

Gardens and plants can be chosen for smell, magic, color,  big, small, edible, space…  what is important to you – give it some thought.  I’d love to hear what you plan to do or hope to do, too.  I’m not a Master Gardner or any kind of expert but if you have a question I will try to answer it.  I seem to have unknowingly inherited a third generation garden witch blessing.   We just planted seeds for Ostara so that seems like it might be too much the same.  But I would like to have something hands on or at least to take home.  Come by for the surprise.

Come to the Hall at 5:30 for socializing. At 6:00 the evening’s activities will begin.  Zoom will be available beginning around 6pm at The Zoom Room

Some things to remember… please park on Swallow, not in the cul-de-sac… masks are required for all indoor and crowded outdoor spaces… BYOM (bring your own meal) if you want to eat at the Hall between 530 and 6pm… please read the Code Of Conduct before your first visit to Covenant of the River… gifts to support this community are always welcome and can come in many forms like firewood, mead, monies, time and lighters… monetary donations can be made in the donation basket in the Hall or through PayPal on our website.

Thank you so much!