Fireside with Jean

05/13/2023 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

This event is open to anyone and will take place in the Sanctuary (hopefully) which is the outdoor space at River Hall.

Jean will be holding space for folks to discuss life and faith, to work on rituals or to be supported in releasing things/people/behaviors that no longer serve you. Weather permitting, we will have a fire in the Sanctuary and you are welcome to bring things to burn in the fire. Please make sure that what you intend to burn is safe, legal and yours to burns. Even if we cannot have a fire, we will still gather- it will just be indoors with candles instead! Unfortunately, if we are indoors, we will not be able to burn personal items.

We are back to summer hours:  6pm-9pm

Snacks and beverages to share are appreciated but please eat your main meal before you join us. The gathering is kid friendly. You are welcome to join us at any point in the evening and leave whenever is appropriate for you.

Remember to park on Swallow Road, not in the cul-de-sac.  Go to the far side of the garage and go through the gate.  Check the Hall and/or follow the wood path around to the Sanctuary.
