Dark Moon Kali

05/19/2023 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

This month we will meet Kali.

Please visit the Dark Moon Group Page for more information about the group.   We have been talking about goddesses that some consider “dark” and then having a ritual to call upon her and honor her.

Join me in the Hall (901 E Swallow) to dance with Kali in the darkness.  Doors open at 7pm for conversation and candle burning, the event leading to the ritual will begin around 7:30.  As always – there is no late (unless I have gone home!!) – come when you can, the space is here to welcome you even if we are about to blow the candles out.  If you want the full event and know you will be a little late, let me know through the Council email and I will hold the start for you!

This event is open to anyone interested and respectful.  You do not need to have attended a Covenant event before.  This is good place to get started!  This group is open to those younger than adults if they are respectful and can maintain the atmosphere of the evening.   The Darkness is for us all.  Please park on Swallow and follow the sidewalk around to the yellow door on the far side of the garage.  The atmosphere in the hall is usually darker with candles and blue/black light.  If you wear white you will glow!

Kali appears frightening but is just one side of the triple goddess Durga who is considered the Great Mother.  A consort of the destroyer god Shiva, she resembles him in skin color and purpose – the dancing of destruction to bring about new life.

I have help this month with the information and maybe the presentation and I am looking forward to sharing Kali with you.  Rage is a powerful emotion and it can easily get out of control and destroy.  Learning to work with Kali (and Durga) can fill you with great feelings of power and protection.  Death is never a thing to fear, especially the little deaths we all face regularly in the things that end bringing us grief.  Working with Kali can help you to work with fear, grief, and rage and move into a new part of your life even when you are not at all pleased that the old part is dying.