Dark Moon Group Ukraine

03/02/2022 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Another celebration of Dark Moon energy under the blue and purple lights in the hall.   Until a few hours ago, I was still unsure of how to share this time with you.  But I have come up with an idea: Let us use the quiet and peace of the Dark Moon to send our prayers, our protections, our encouragements, and all manner of support to the people of Ukraine.   Quiet meditations with soft candlelight.  Group chants to send our energy.  Individual prayers or poems spoken, if desired.  Maybe this whole ugly situation just has you troubled and out of sorts and you want to sit with people who feel like you.  Come and sit. You don’t have to participate directly.  We may find music to listen to or soft songs to sing.  We cannot stop the hate and the chaos but we can do what we can with the powers we join together.

This group is often small and quiet but tonight I would like to invite anyone who would like to be a part of this ritual time for Ukraine to join us.  You don’t have to be a fan of the Dark Moon.  This is far more than that.  The more of us who gather, the stronger our power will be.

I will start us off with a short ritual followed by silence.  After that, I encourage anyone to share something with us for the people of Ukraine.  Bring candles, bring stones, bring herbs.  Bring sunflowers, the flower of Ukraine.  You aren’t donating them. We will put them on the altar to amplify our intentions and you can take them home again.  I will have slips of paper to write wishes and prayers on and some dirt to plant them in.  Our intentions will make them grow.

It’s easy to share and feel close when the light is less.  I think that’s what makes this group have such good energy.   If you have nothing to share or you just don’t want to share things, please make sure you are comfortable.  There is always room at the table, or in the Hall, for folks who just want to enjoy being with us.  You never have to do anything you aren’t comfortable doing.

Slowly wander in as you feel comfortable beginning at 5:30.  We will start at 6:00pm  At 6pm it will be 3:00 in the morning in Ukraine as they rest uneasily under the same dark sky we share.