Dark Moon – Athena

06/16/2023 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

I have not forgotten you or our Dark Moon time.  I have been learning how a fighting sun goddess asked to be the topic for June.   Well, there is no more sunnier month than June and I have finally “seen the light”.  Please also visit the Dark  Moon Group page for more information about Athena.
Dark Moon Group Page

Please join me Friday June 16th.  The Hall (901 E Swallow) opens at 7:00.  Come to talk and sit and center and play with fire in the cauldron of candles.  At 7:30 lets talk about and strategize fighting the darkness with light when it is darkness that you didn’t seek and don’t know how to deal with.  Share your concerns and darkness (if you want to) and know you have warrior friends with you.   We will have a ritual to honor not just Athena but the fierce, bright, strong, smart, and thoughtful parts of ourselves.  Athena wants to talk to you about battling darkness.  She’s waiting. 

Sometimes you have fight the darkness.  Sometimes darkness is evil.  Sometimes it is mental illness and depression and life circumstances that weigh us down.  It is illusory and there is nothing to fight, no one to draw a sword against, no one to dance to death or send your crows after, no one you can send to the Underworld.  Or, if there is, you can’t get to them.

What then?  Take the problem firmly in hand. Illuminate it with the brightness of the fierce midsummer sun.  THINK it through, find your own strenth in your mind.  See through the darkness with the eyes of an owl.  Make a plan.  Stick to it.  Strengthen yourself.  Because after midsummer it’s all downhill to Yule and you are going to need these skills as the seasonal darkness returns.