Council Open Hours

06/07/2024 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

From 7pm to 9pm  Council will be in the Hall, hanging out, waiting to see whoever stops by.  Have some questions?  Need some face time?  Never been here and you want to check out the space on an informal, less busy night?  Open Hours is the place to be.  Council wanted to find a time where we could be available for this casual time with whoever needs it so usually, on the first Friday of the month, the three of us are in the Hall waiting for YOU to stop by.  There is nothing planned, no program or speaker, no ritual.  You can stay for five minutes or stay the full two hours, whatever you need.

Please park on Swallow at 901 E Swallow and make your way around to the far side of the garage.  Enter through the yellow door.  We look forward to seeing you and to meeting new people!