
If there’s a *, it just means I’ll be back with a few details and maybe a graphic.

  • Full Moon Potluck Social
    6:00 pm-8:00 pm

    A Friday night full moon in Scorpio calls for comfort food and community as we process the work of the past winter, shifting to summertime work and worries.

    Please bring a dish and/or beverage to share, as you are able. Plates, cups, utensils, paper products and drinking water provided.

    Remember to park on Swallow Rd, not in the cul-de-sac, out of respect for our neighbors. Donations to offset the cost of ritual and utilities are much appreciated.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Jean @



  • Sanctuary Care Day!
    1:00 pm-5:30 pm

    It’s time again for another awesome Sanctuary Care Day!  The weather is supposed to be super nice.  We got a lot done last month and we are hoping to really get caught up on all the cleaning and improvements  before the weather starts getting hot.  We have water and other beverages, tools, and all we really need is YOU!   You can stay for as little or as long as you are able.  Come when you can, you don’t have to arrive at 1:00.

    We will meet at 1:00pm at River Hall (901 E  Swallow).  There are helpful things for all ages and abilities.  We will be caring for the Sanctuary – pulling weeds or unwanted plants, pruning and trimming, raking the gravel and other things to keep it beautiful, safe, and sacred!  Bring your own gloves and suncreen but we also have these items available if you need them.

    We will also be working on the Hall, cleaning, organizing, etc.  You can sit and sort things or do yard work or whatever suits you.  The Hall and the Sanctuary are the very heart of Covenant of the River.  Come help make it the best it can be.

    We will also be having a potluck dinner at the end of the work period.  Please bring a dish if you are able.   We are excited to share potluck time with community again!

  • Fireside with Jean
    6:00 pm-9:00 pm

    This event is open to anyone and will take place in the Sanctuary (hopefully) which is the outdoor space at River Hall.

    Jean will be holding space for folks to discuss life and faith, to work on rituals or to be supported in releasing things/people/behaviors that no longer serve you. Weather permitting, we will have a fire in the Sanctuary and you are welcome to bring things to burn in the fire. Please make sure that what you intend to burn is safe, legal and yours to burns. Even if we cannot have a fire, we will still gather- it will just be indoors with candles instead! Unfortunately, if we are indoors, we will not be able to burn personal items.

    We are back to summer hours:  6pm-9pm

    Snacks and beverages to share are appreciated but please eat your main meal before you join us. The gathering is kid friendly. You are welcome to join us at any point in the evening and leave whenever is appropriate for you.

    Remember to park on Swallow Road, not in the cul-de-sac.  Go to the far side of the garage and go through the gate.  Check the Hall and/or follow the wood path around to the Sanctuary.


  • Tea Time!
    5:30 pm-7:30 pm


    It’s Mother’s Day and it’s time for a tea party.  Chel will be celebrating a cross between a tea party  and a tea shop tasting.  There will be bold dark flavors that want to compete with your coffee and delicate jasmine and iced hibiscus and many more.  If you like tea or are just curious, it can be hard to buy a whole box just to taste it.  Today you will find many to try.   There will be hot teas and cold teas to try.  Hats optional but there will be a prize for the best “tea party hat” as if you were having tea with the Queen and another for the best Mad Hatter tea party hat.

    Arrive at 5:30 and bring some food to share if you can or want to from dinner food to tea party snacks.  The event begins at 6:00pm.  Please park on Swallow and follow the sidewalk around to the yellow door on the far side of the garage.


  • Dark Moon Kali
    7:00 pm-8:30 pm

    This month we will meet Kali.

    Please visit the Dark Moon Group Page for more information about the group.   We have been talking about goddesses that some consider “dark” and then having a ritual to call upon her and honor her.

    Join me in the Hall (901 E Swallow) to dance with Kali in the darkness.  Doors open at 7pm for conversation and candle burning, the event leading to the ritual will begin around 7:30.  As always – there is no late (unless I have gone home!!) – come when you can, the space is here to welcome you even if we are about to blow the candles out.  If you want the full event and know you will be a little late, let me know through the Council email and I will hold the start for you!

    This event is open to anyone interested and respectful.  You do not need to have attended a Covenant event before.  This is good place to get started!  This group is open to those younger than adults if they are respectful and can maintain the atmosphere of the evening.   The Darkness is for us all.  Please park on Swallow and follow the sidewalk around to the yellow door on the far side of the garage.  The atmosphere in the hall is usually darker with candles and blue/black light.  If you wear white you will glow!

    Kali appears frightening but is just one side of the triple goddess Durga who is considered the Great Mother.  A consort of the destroyer god Shiva, she resembles him in skin color and purpose – the dancing of destruction to bring about new life.

    I have help this month with the information and maybe the presentation and I am looking forward to sharing Kali with you.  Rage is a powerful emotion and it can easily get out of control and destroy.  Learning to work with Kali (and Durga) can fill you with great feelings of power and protection.  Death is never a thing to fear, especially the little deaths we all face regularly in the things that end bringing us grief.  Working with Kali can help you to work with fear, grief, and rage and move into a new part of your life even when you are not at all pleased that the old part is dying.

  • Solar Cross Craft
    5:30 pm-7:30 pm

    Create Solar Crosses with Jean! Before Christianity, the Celts, Gaels, Native Americans and many other groups used the simplicity of a circle with a cross in the middle to represent many different aspects of their beliefs from directions, elements, and other things.   This simple solar cross  is often a part of the Midsummer/Litha celebration as well and that is right around the wheel of the year and coming fast.   All craft materials are provided free of charge.

    Arrive at 5:30 at River Hall (901 E Swallow) for socializing and POT LUCK time! Yes PotLuck dinner is back! If you are able and want to, please bring a dish to share. All dishes and utensils and water are available in the Hall. As dinner ends,  the evening will start at 6:00 with announcement, yahoos, and prayer requests.     THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN JOINING US (See Code of Conduct below)

    Some things to remember… please park on Swallow, not in the cul-de-sac… masks are required for all indoor and crowded outdoor spaces.  Please read the Code Of Conduct before your first visit to Covenant of the River… gifts to support this community are always welcome and can come in many forms like firewood, mead, monies, time and lighters… monetary donations can be made in the donation basket in the Hall or through PayPal on our website.

    Thank you so much!

  • Park Clean Up and Tai Chi
    5:00 pm-8:00 pm

    Join us for our first “summer” Park Cleanup event in Landings Park.  After doing our part to enhance the environment in “our” park, Jordan will be teaching us about Tai Chi.

    Please arrive at the park at 5:00 with food to eat or food to share as this will be our first potluck in the park since Covid!   Meet at the shelter house off Boardwalk .  After eating we will do our walk/talk/pick up litter patrol and return to the shelter house for a very casual form of Tai Chi.

    We have been caring for Landings park for over 10 years and hope that you can join us.  It is Boardwalk,  just north of Harmony road, past the apartments.  There is a parking lot by the Playground/Pavilion and a larger one just beyond the curve in the road with a quick walk back.   For more information about the park click here:
