
If there’s a *, it just means I’ll be back with a few details and maybe a graphic.

< 2023 >
  • Palm Reading
    5:30 pm-8:00 pm

    It’s Palm Sunday (in the Christian tradition)!  Jean will be talking to us about the divination method known as Palm Reading.    (Palm leaves not required…)  Palm fronds come in many shapes and sizes and she will be telling us a little bit about the magic of actual palm plants and leaves.

    This event will include the Zoom Room so if you can’t drive to River Hall, please join us remotely.  The room will open and 6:00 and if no one shows up, by 6:45 Zoom will automatically close the room.   Please let Council know if you have questions.  To join, just click on the black oval on our main page, part way down or use this link:

    Some things to remember… please park on Swallow, not in the cul-de-sac.  Follow the sidewalk around to the yellow door on the far side of the garage to enter the Hall.   Masks are optional – you are encouraged to wear one if you are concerned or it is your preference to do so.  Extra masks are available.  If you feel sick or have been exposed please use the Zoom option above.  Please read the Code Of Conduct before your first visit to Covenant of the River… gifts to support this community are always welcome and can come in many forms like firewood, mead, monies, time and lighters… monetary donations can be made in the donation basket in the Hall or through PayPal on our website.

  • Full Moon Social
    7:00 pm-8:30 pm

    Join Jean for a full moon social event.  Arrive at 7:00 at River Hall (901 E Swallow) .  The evening will start at 7:30    THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN JOINING US (See Code of Conduct below)

    Some things to remember… please park on Swallow, not in the cul-de-sac… masks are required for all indoor and crowded outdoor spaces.  Please read the Code Of Conduct before your first visit to Covenant of the River… gifts to support this community are always welcome and can come in many forms like firewood, mead, monies, time and lighters… monetary donations can be made in the donation basket in the Hall or through PayPal on our website.

    Thank you so much!

  • Council Office Hours
    7:00 pm-9:00 pm

    First Friday Office Hours are scheduled to be in the Hall (901 E Swallow) in person. This is a time we set aside to meet with people who need to talk, work on an idea, or need to be around other people. We will be available from 7:00pm -9:00pm (ish)

    We look forward to seeing you. (This is not a Zoom event but if you have need to use Zoom individually, please let us know)..

    Please park on Swallow and follow the sidewalk around to the yellow door on the far side of the garage.  Just push the door and you are there!

  • Sanctuary Care Day
    1:00 pm-5:00 pm

    It’s the first Sanctuary Care Day of the season.  We will meet at 1:00pm at River Hall (901 E  Swallow).  There are helpful things for all ages and abilities.  We will be caring for the Sanctuary – pulling weeds or unwanted plants, pruning and trimming, raking the gravel and other things to keep it beautiful, safe, and sacred!

    We will also be working on the Hall, cleaning, organizing, etc.  You can sit and sort things or do yard work or whatever suits you.  The Hall and the Sanctuary are the very heart of Covenant of the River.  Come help make it the best it can be.

  • Council Meeting
    7:00 pm-9:00 pm

    Have we mentioned – WE WANT YOUR IDEAS – suggestions, whimsies, half-baked notions, dreams, wishes, wonders, questions.  Covenant of the River belongs to all of us – especially you.  You probably have some awesome idea percolating and you are afraid to say it.  SAY IT! WRITE IT! whisper it in a council member’s ear…  But seriously – do put it in writing if you want us busy “old” folks to remember what you want.

    Each month the Council, (Jean, Jordan and Chel), get together to schedule Covenant of the River events, write rituals, outline presentations and discuss general community business.

    This is when we find out all the exciting new ideas that folks in the community have for us about things to do and rituals they want to share!  This community is not Council driven.  We are here to facilitate the things others in the community have ideas about, want to do, or want to help with.  You don’t have to volunteer to lead your idea, just share your idea.   SO – Email council before 7pm tonight so we can see what you have!  If you missed it, we will be doing this again next month so go ahead and send it and we will save it for then.

    This is not an open meeting.  The Zoom room will not be open.  Please contact us during Office Hours  if you need to speak with one of us.

  • Fireside with Jean
    5:00 pm-8:00 pm

    Join Jean for the monthly Fireside gathering.  She is returning to later hours with the return of longer days, from 5:00pm to 8:00 pm, hopefully in the Sanctuary.

    This event is open to everyone.  The Sanctuary is the outdoor area of River Hall at 901 E Swallow Rd

    Jean will be holding space for folks to discuss life and faith, to work on rituals or to be supported in releasing things/people/behaviors that no longer serve you. Weather permitting, we will have a fire in the Sanctuary and you are welcome to bring things to burn in the fire. Please make sure that what you intend to burn is safe, legal and yours to burns. Even if we cannot have a fire, we will still gather- it will just be indoors with candles instead! Unfortunately, if we are indoors, we will not be able to burn personal items.

    Snacks and beverages to share are appreciated but please eat your main meal before you join us. The gathering is kid friendly. You are welcome to join us at any point in the evening and leave whenever is appropriate for you.

    Remember to park on Swallow Road, not in the cul-de-sac.


  • Park Cleanup and Garden Starting
    3:30 pm-8:00 pm

    Join us for one or both of the events today.


    Park Cleanup of Landings Park   and  Starting your Garden  at the Hall


    Landings Park is on Boardwalk. We meet in the shelter house to begin at 3:30.  It’s a fun and easy walk picking up litter and talking and usually takes less than an hour.  More information on the park location.


    Getting Ready for Gardening activity at River Hall  (901 E Swallow) will be the evening activity.  The Hall opens at 5:30 pm, the evening’s activities begin around 6:00.   Chel will host our annual “it’s time to start seeds” activity to jump start your garden and get you excited about spring. Chel will have some seeds, potting soil, and peat pots for planting in.  If you have seeds that you are anxious to grow, please bring them.  Chel will share growing tips, gardening ideas, and what to do with your baby plants when they appear.  It is NOT time to plant things outside but it will be in about a month.  Your babies should be ready to face the world by then. You can pick up trash and socialize and not attend the later activity or just go to the Hall, skip the trash and get some seeds.

    THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN JOINING US (See Code of Conduct below) Some things to remember… please park on Swallow, not in the cul-de-sac, and follow the sidewalk around to the yellow door on the far side of the garage.  Please read the Code Of Conduct before your first visit to Covenant of the River… gifts to support this community are always welcome and can come in many forms like firewood, mead, monies, time and lighters… monetary donations can be made in the donation basket in the Hall or through PayPal on our website.

  • Dark Moon Cancelled
    7:00 pm-8:30 pm

    April Group Cancelled

    With regrets and apologies I need to cancel the meeting for tonight.  I passed my Covid test but still feel like I have it.  I’ll bring Kali back next month in May.  Thank you for understanding.



    Please visit the Dark Moon Group Page for more information about the group.   We have been talking about goddesses that some consider “dark” and then having a ritual to call upon her and honor her.

    This month we will meet Kali. 

    It was brought to my attention that while the Hindu goddess Kali can be quite scary, bringing with her the dance of death and destruction, it often takes this level of change to make something new happen.  Here it is spring and that sounds happy and colorful.  Why Kali?  Because the seeds you plant will soon die.  There will be no seed left after it breaks open and sends it’s life force up to find the sun in the form of a small shoot.  Our lives can be like that – we need to break open to start a new life.

    No one wants the darkness, the death (even just metaphorical) or the destruction in our lives.  We want the spring green and summer flowers.  We want happy bees and fragrant boquets.  But Kali is here to remind you that you must often face some kind of death and destruction if you want a new life or to accomplish a big goal.  She is here to remind you that part of the dance of life is being willing to let go of what is past, of what is dead, of what does not serve your new goals.  She is with you when you find yourself sitting in ashes or when you have been visited calamity, waiting to offer you a way forward.

    Kali wants to meet you. She wants to hear your hopes and dreams.  And she wants to know what you are willing to do to get there, to reach your goals.  She is here to take your hand and encourage you to face the darkness she brings in order to find the dawn of your dreams.  She wants to teach you the dance of the death that brings life.

    Meet at River Hall at 7:00pm for talking and hanging out and playing with the cauldron of candles.  The evening’s activities will begin around 7:30.  Come late if you need to.  Let Chel know if you could use 5 minutes extra and we will wait for you.   Please park on Swallow and follow the sidewalk to the far side of the garage and enter through the yellow door.

    Dark Moon group is open to anyone interested in attending even if this will be the first Covenant of the River event that you have attended.

  • Birds of Colorado
    5:30 pm-8:00 pm

    Join Joe F. for an informative presentation on the Birds of Colorado.  Spring is in the air and the birds are singing and making nests.  Joe will share images and songs of 10-15 native birds of Colorado.

    Arrive at 5:30 at River Hall (901 E Swallow) for socializing and to eat if you want to bring your own food.  The evening will start at 6:00 with announcement, yahoos, and prayer requests.     THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN JOINING US (see Code of Conduct below)

    This event will include the Zoom Room so if you can’t drive to River Hall, please join us remotely.  The room will open and 6:00 and if no one shows up, by 6:45 Zoom will automatically close the room.   Please let Council know if you have questions.  To join, just click on the black oval on our main page, part way down or use this link:

    Some things to remember… please park on Swallow, not in the cul-de-sac.  Follow the sidewalk around to the yellow door on the far side of the garage to enter the Hall.   Masks are optional – you are encouraged to wear one if you are concerned or it is your preference to do so.  Extra masks are available.  If you feel sick or have been exposed please use the Zoom option above.  Please read the Code Of Conduct before your first visit to Covenant of the River… gifts to support this community are always welcome and can come in many forms like firewood, mead, monies, time and lighters… monetary donations can be made in the donation basket in the Hall or through PayPal on our website.

  • NO office hours
    All day

    Just a last reminder.  Jordan is no longer available to do fourth monday office hours.  Please contact anyone on Council if you need assistance.

  • Beltane Celebrations
    1:00 pm-9:00 pm

    Raise the horn
    Greet the folx
    Raise the horn
    Greet the gods
    Raise the horn
    Greet yourself

    Beltane is a time of through and around, the twixt of this holiday isn’t as obvious as the veil thinning at Samhain… We see it in the garden and feel it under our feet… Beltane is the between of Spring and Summer… the sprouting and singing, the fresh sunshine and crisp afternoons as this season turns… We will stand at this threshold together and honor the turning of the Wheel

    Join us for a full day of festivities beginning at 1pm.

    1pm Crown making and yard games
    All supplies provided.
    2pm The procession of the plow and the people
    Think bale fires and a plea to the gods for a plentiful season
    3pm Divination: Cards, maypole and runes
    Bring your drum!
    5pm Potluck and Beltane Readings
    Bring a dish to share, as you are able.
    630pm Fire in the belly, anointed by the Goddess
    Slightly more somber, we will reach for the blessings of the bursting Earth
    8pm Sumbl
    Please consider donating a bottle of mead

    Please join us for any portion of the day, the entire gathering is casual and welcoming to all interested. Remember to park on Swallow Road, not in the cul-de-sac. Ritual garb is encouraged but not required. Donations to support our work are always welcome! If you have any questions, please reach out to Council.

    May the blessing of the gods and good spirits continue to guide this community!
