Dark Moon Group

09/03/2024 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Our last Dark Moon Group in the Hall on Swallow.  Come hang out.  Light some candles.  Enjoy the peace. Most likely we will be hanging out in the driveway under a canopy so a little of the dark ambiance will be missing.   But the dark Moon group is more than blue light bulbs!

There will be no presentation planned.  If you want to share a tool, a story, a ritual, a meditation – we will look forward to whatever offerings are shared.  The July calendar has a more lengthy description of the newish Dark Moon Group format.  Here I will simply remind you, the group is what it is.  Keep it positive.  If you have fears or needs, please let us know so we can be there for you.

For me, the night brings quiet as the people go back to their homes and less vehicles are out.  There is quieting and peace of the energy as the Colorado earth goes to sleep.  And lunacy is at a low ebb because the moon is also resting.  My two black cats pile on when I lay down and that soft black fur and gentle purring is what darkness can mean to me.

The group remains open to anyone who wants to come and for any amount of time you want to come.  There is no such thing as arriving late or leaving early because you are welcome whenever you can be here.  We love to see you for whatever time you can stop in.

Questions?  Just hit the “contact council” button and your message will get to me.

See you soon,
