We aren’t sure when or where but there will be yard sales again! Please save your things for us if you can. If you can’t and you have to let things go to donation places, we understand.

Please begin bringing things now through Friday to River Hall. If you need help, please contact Council so we can make arrangements to help you! Starting on Thursday we will need help sorting and pricing donations and generally getting ready (and September 15-16)
Yard Sale Donation Guidelines
First and foremost, thank you for donating to support Covenant of the River and the work that we do as a community. Yard sales are, by far, the most profitable fundraisers our little church has found over the years.
Every step you can take to lessen the work our volunteers have to do you make an item saleable is a blessing! Please consider the following when you are gathering you things to donate.
*If it is broken, do not donate it
*If it has feces or urine on/in it, do not donate it
*Wash things before you donate them- clothing, pet items, baby toys/gear etc.
*Separate socks, underwear and the like- we do not sell these items but we can donate them to May You Have Enough in the Denver area.
Questions: Contact Council