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March 29 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm MDT

Release and prayer are the most common reason for burning personal items in a ritual manner.. the fire consumes the item and carries the attachment, the heavy emotion, up and away with flames and fragrant smoke. Many traditions view the smoke from their scared fires as prayers travelling to the ears of the gods.

Circling around a fire with community to chat and share in supporting each crosses many generations of many traditions. There is a specific kind of beauty and comfort that comes from watching the night fall while the fire light grows.

Fireside is a no pressure evening where folx are encouraged to show up whenever they are able and leave when they need to. Snacks and beverages to share are encouraged but not expected.  Please dress for the weather: cloaks, layers and lap blankets all encouraged.

We are gathering in the backyard of 2800 Crystal Court in Fort Collins. Be mindful of right-of-ways, sidewalks and driveways in the cul-de-sac. We must be good guests and many folx will need to park on the adjacent streets. If you need more accessible parking, please reach out to Council.


March 29
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm MDT