We Fail

We fail. Therefore we ware human.

And that is not a bad thing. Failure is often a dirty word. Ooooh, you failed. Guess what? So do I, so does everyone. It is from failure that we learn.

There’s some stigma around trying and failing for some reason. Much like the stigma around not knowing something, anything. Like seeking knowledge, like being undecided is some dirty word? Undecided means you are still gathering information. Not knowing, and admitting it, that’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thing. It’s a learning process. Failing too is part of a learning process. Trying and failing is part of the process of getting good at anything.

It doesn’t matter what the thing is, ritual, magic, art, public speaking, anything at all. You have to try first. And really when you think about it, trying should get a lot more credit than most of western civilization tends to give it. Did you put yourself out there and actually try? If so, you are doing better than a large portion of the population. If not, well, that’s what the majority does. Not trying is safe. Trying requires bravery. We should honor that. And that means embracing failure.

Think about it. Would you rather have a friend who tries and fails, and admits their failures? Or would you rather have a friend who never tries? They don’t try to see your side, they don’t try to expand themselves, they don’t try to do anything new?

You want to do something great? Try. And that means failing first. Show me someone who has never failed, and that is someone who has never tried, never excelled, never expanded themselves.

I embrace and honor your trying, your seeking, your learning, your failing. I fail too. I fail hard.



Author: JordanB

I have been a Pagan priest and member of Council since 2011. I identify as Taoist with Native American Medicine influences and a relationship with Odin and Pan.

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