Ritual Writing 101

02/27/2022 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Tonight this will be a presentation, a demonstration, and a discussion as I show you things and seek your questions and your opinions on creating a ritual to share with others.

I get it.  You’re scared or overwhelmed by the idea of leading a ritual.  So was I until I just jumped in.   I thought there must be a standard way to do things that everyone expected and I would look silly.  But I loved it.  I practiced alone for 20 years so it was my ritual to share and it went well.

But what is a ritual?  I mean, really.  If someone asks you to do something and you don’t even know what they mean, how can you do it? There are so many things you can do.  You will find that if you like it, do it.  If you don’t know what it is, come find out.  I’ll be talking about how to create a ritual you are comfortable sharing and demonstrating and what some things mean.

My magical training is exclusively Wiccan based in Celtic traditions, although I now consider myself a witch and not a Wiccan, it is still the tradition I draw from.  Hopefully my ideas will translate into your practice or give you ideas.  I will welcome your thoughts and ideas.

My dream is that you will see how simple it is and share your ideas with us in a ritual.

Link to Zoom

This is an in person and Zoom meeting.  The Hall opens at 5:30, Zoom opens at 6:00pm, activities begin at 6:30.

If you want to join on Zoom, we will be in the Zoom room at 6:00 to go over the calendar of events and share in prayers/yahoos. The Zoom room will remain open during the presentation and discussion although you might not be able to see demonstrations or hear the discussion.

Some things to remember… please park on Swallow, not in the cul-de-sac… masks are required for all indoor and crowded outdoor spaces… BYOM (bring your own meal) if you want to eat at the Hall between 530 and 6pm… please read the Code Of Conduct before your first visit to Covenant of the River… gifts to support this community are always welcome and can come in many forms like firewood, mead, monies, time and lighters… monetary donations can be made in the donation basket in the Hall or through PayPal on our website.

Thank you so much!